GreenFireFoundationWhen Green Fire 7 Generations EcoMinistry went into dormancy as an active ministry we decided to create a ‘foundation‘ that could keep the Green Fire flames burning and the core charitable mission of helping sustainable communities connect with resources.

The first phase of the Foundation’s life was as a project was under the fiscal umbrella of the Alchemical Nursery Project based out of Syracuse New York.  During this time we were launching the Interdependent Project and SeThInk Media and so there was no time to actively establish Green Fire Foundation’s operating structure.  Due to policy changes within the Alchemical Nursery Project and their decision to no longer umbrella projects Green Fire Foundation was left without a legal home and became an unincorporated entity waiting patiently for fuel to build its flame.

10PercentLogoNew500The 10% proceeds from SeThInk medias profits were minimal amounts – just enough to pay for the hosting fees and administration for the networks that it was sponsoring and managing.  Resources from profits were also going towards sponsoring Indigenous organizations and ‘green’ events so at the end of any quarter there was nothing left for the foundations development or community funding goals.

This past year (2015) our team decided that it is time to resurrect the ministry and re-absorb the ‘foundation’ into the ministry to become a private operating foundation with the same mission it has always had.  We are in the process of filing all of the paperwork and rewriting the bylaws.  Our goal is to officially re-launch by the fall but as we have learned well the saying ‘Men Plan and God Laughs’ so we trust that the flames will ignite parallel to our collective combustion and ability to feed the fire the fuel that it needs.

Green Fire Foundation’s mission is to support developing and existing EcoVillages and sustainable communities through:

  • Providing Infrastructure grants to developing/existing EcoVillages & Sustainable Communities.
  • Providing small loans and grants to start-up cottage industries based in EcoVillages and sustainable communities.
  • Providing grants and funding for groups and committees that form for the purpose of developing and establishing legal protocols/criteria that allow EcoVillage and Low Impact Sustainable Development to obtain planning approal by local or state/regional agencies.